Pills behind my smiles

Believing in good things,

Singing out loud medleys alone,

Maintaining a private lives…

Laughing away small worries, and

Daily farewell kissing to negative vibe,

Working out my physical strength,

Music, Dancing, Gardening, Reading.

No gossiping, no back talking,

No expectations, No wondering!!

Published by Liavi Shupao

Living by grace

20 thoughts on “Pills behind my smiles

      1. Haha!!! Yes, I do have some hobbies of my own, mainly to do with music. But I don’t think it would be fair to compare it with gardening since hobbies are meant to be enjoyed. So whatever works for us, whatever makes us smile is good.
        P.S- I cant do gardening but I love pretty gardens though! Haha!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. True. Whatever works for us is all that matter. Music is indeed a very effective pill again 😁 and yes pretty gardens are 😍… thanks for your motivating words 💞

        Liked by 1 person

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